Kingston First Baptist Church
Small Groups (Sundays at 9:30am)
Connect with one of our Small Groups where you will have the opportunity to grow together as a group as well as individually. You will be sure to fit right in as we provide several different classes to choose from.
Worship Service (Sundays at 10:30am)
Be sure to check out our Worship Service as we rotate weekly between fresh new worship songs by our Praise Team from your favorite current artists as well as a worship set filled with a variety of classic hymns accompanied by the piano, organ and choir. Also featuring relevant messages led by Pastor Steve Beebe.
Kids Zone (Wednesdays at 6:30pm)
Our children's ministry meets weekly on Wednesday nights for grades Kindergarten thru 5th grade (Nursery available for younger children). The children spend time each week playing fun games, worshiping with upbeat music and learning who God is and how much He loves them through practical lessons.
Ignite Youth (Wednesdays at 6:30pm)
Ignite Student Ministries is led by Associate Pastor Joe Patterson. Ignite exists to make Christ known and to see lives changed. It’s a place for students to come together and engage in conversations about life and learn how to seek out what God has to say about it. We want to reach the lost, build them up, train them, and send them out equipped to reach others. Ignite Youth is for students in the 6th thru 12th grade.
Adult Bible Study (Wednesdays at 6:30pm)
The Wednesday night Bible study is led by Pastor Steve Beebe. This study is an informal group of adults of all ages that studies a particular book of the Bible. Pastor Steve does a great job with the purpose to help each of us collectively grasp an understanding of the text, its immediate context, and how we may make present-day application. Come join us for a wonderful hour of exploring God’s Word together!
Celebrate Recovery (Thursdays at 6:00pm)
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ centered recovery program that uses biblical principles and the strength of our Lord Jesus Christ to overcome hurts, hang-ups and habits that we all develop living in this world. CR meets weekly on Thursdays at 6:00pm to explore God's road map for recovery and how to successfully walk that path. We strive to foster a safe environment of trust and respect for all participants.